Kempe Melkvee

Manure scraper

The stable features a HCI Welfare floor W5 in combination with a GEA scraper system.

The HCI welfare floor W5 is a dense, sloping profile floor that features smooth urine slots under slope. The thick part and the fluid part of the manure are seperated from each other on the plate (primary manure separation). The result is a considerable reduction of ammonia emissions.

The gutter is created by small grooves on the sides of the plate. The manure separation is possible by the slope of the urinary grooves in the plate and through the floor under 1.5% slope, towards the urine gutter in the middle of the walking corridor. Urine will be quickly drained, which prevents encrusted remains.

The cow manure is drained using the GEA scraper. The GEA scraper cleans the floors with a frequency that can be chosen by the farmer. Because of the slope of the welfare floor, it is not suitable for cleaning using a manure robot.